Sports at Illuminarium

Sports at Illuminarium Las Vegas is back! On select nights, our venue will transform into the ultimate watch party for football, basketball and hockey games with the largest 360-degree screens in Sin City. Using state-of-the-art surround sound and projection mapping, prepare to get in the game and experience an immersive environment that will bring every game to life.

Featured Events

Football on Monday Nights

  • Every Monday & Thursday Night starting October 14
  • Experience every touchdown, tackle, and game-changing moment in stunning clarity
  • Feel the roar of the crowd and the intensity of the game like never before

NBA Basketball Spotlight

  • Coming Soon!

NHL Hockey Spectaculars

  • October 9, 7:00 PM
    • Vegas Golden Knights Home Opener vs. Colorado Avalanche
    • Be part of history as our hometown heroes defend The Fortress
  • October 22, 7:00 PM
    • Vegas Golden Knights vs. Los Angeles Kings
    • Experience the heated rivalry in stunning 360-degree action
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360-Degree Immersive Sports Experience

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Sports Experience For All Ages

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Food & Drink Upgrades

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VIP Seating Available

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360-Degree Immersive Sports Experience

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Sports Experience For All Ages

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Food & Drink Upgrades

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 527 340" fill="none" xmlns=""> <rect x="12" y="12" width="502.858" height="316" rx="38" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="24"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M341.267 191.917V238.211C340.074 238.658 338.508 239.031 336.57 239.329C334.632 239.776 332.47 240 330.085 240C325.463 240 322.108 239.18 320.021 237.54C318.082 235.751 317.113 232.843 317.113 228.818V113.419C317.113 110.884 317.784 108.946 319.126 107.604C320.617 106.113 322.63 104.995 325.164 104.249C329.786 102.609 335.303 101.491 341.714 100.895C348.125 100.298 354.163 100 359.829 100C379.211 100 393.524 104.1 402.768 112.3C412.161 120.501 416.858 131.608 416.858 145.623C416.858 159.638 412.161 170.895 402.768 179.393C393.524 187.742 379.659 191.917 361.171 191.917H341.267ZM359.605 172.46C369.893 172.46 377.944 170.224 383.759 165.751C389.722 161.278 392.704 154.569 392.704 145.623C392.704 136.677 389.871 130.117 384.206 125.942C378.689 121.768 370.713 119.68 360.276 119.68C356.847 119.68 353.418 119.83 349.989 120.128C346.709 120.426 343.727 120.799 341.043 121.246V172.46H359.605ZM279.896 238.211C278.853 238.658 277.287 239.031 275.2 239.329C273.262 239.776 271.174 240 268.938 240C264.316 240 260.961 239.18 258.874 237.54C256.936 235.751 255.967 232.844 255.967 228.818V102.908C257.159 102.609 258.725 102.311 260.663 102.013C262.75 101.566 264.912 101.342 267.149 101.342C271.472 101.342 274.678 102.162 276.765 103.802C278.853 105.442 279.896 108.35 279.896 112.524V238.211ZM180.671 238.658C183.355 237.912 185.293 237.092 186.486 236.198C188.275 232.918 190.586 227.923 193.418 221.214C196.4 214.505 199.457 206.975 202.588 198.626C205.868 190.277 209.148 181.555 212.428 172.46C215.708 163.216 218.69 154.569 221.374 146.517C224.057 138.317 226.219 131.161 227.859 125.048C229.499 118.786 230.319 114.388 230.319 111.853C230.319 108.424 229.127 105.889 226.741 104.249C224.505 102.46 221.672 101.565 218.243 101.565C214.068 101.565 210.49 102.385 207.508 104.025C205.122 113.568 202.513 123.259 199.68 133.099C196.848 142.939 193.866 152.705 190.735 162.396C187.753 171.938 184.696 181.331 181.565 190.575C178.434 199.67 175.453 208.243 172.62 216.294H171.502C164.941 198.701 158.828 181.48 153.163 164.632C147.646 147.785 141.981 130.266 136.166 112.077C134.973 108.349 133.408 105.666 131.47 104.025C129.531 102.385 126.773 101.565 123.195 101.565C120.362 101.565 117.753 102.236 115.367 103.578C112.982 104.771 111.193 106.113 110 107.604C111.789 113.866 113.876 120.799 116.262 128.402C118.647 136.006 121.257 143.834 124.089 151.885C126.922 159.936 129.755 168.062 132.588 176.262C135.57 184.313 138.477 191.991 141.31 199.297C144.143 206.603 146.826 213.237 149.361 219.201C151.896 225.165 154.132 230.01 156.07 233.738C157.114 235.825 159.052 237.391 161.885 238.434C164.718 239.478 167.998 240 171.725 240C175.005 240 177.987 239.553 180.671 238.658Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>

VIP Seating Available

Sensory-Inclusive Showtimes

Looking for sensory-inclusive shows? Check out our inclusive showtimes below.

Adventure Awaits: Safari Returns!

Sign up for our waiting list to be the first to embark on the journey as soon as we're back!

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Hungry? Thirsty?

Lumin Cafe and Kitchen offers delicious Creative American cuisine served all day complemented by craft cocktails, sweet treats and delicious coffee. Visit Lumin before or after your experience, conveniently located at Illuminarium!

Looking for a Private party?

Contact us if you're interested in a full or partial buyout at Illuminarium Las Vegas.

Ticket packages

General Admission

$20 (Locals $15)

Admission + Buffet

$45 (Locals $40)
Retro Pass

Sports at Illuminarium Las Vegas is back! On select nights, our venue will transform into the ultimate watch party for football, basketball and hockey games with the largest 360-degree screens in Sin City. Using state-of-the-art surround sound and projection mapping, prepare to get in the game and experience an immersive environment that will bring every game to life.

Featured Events

Football on Monday Nights

  • Every Monday & Thursday Night starting October 14
  • Experience every touchdown, tackle, and game-changing moment in stunning clarity
  • Feel the roar of the crowd and the intensity of the game like never before

NBA Basketball Spotlight

  • Coming Soon!

NHL Hockey Spectaculars

  • October 9, 7:00 PM
    • Vegas Golden Knights Home Opener vs. Colorado Avalanche
    • Be part of history as our hometown heroes defend The Fortress
  • October 22, 7:00 PM
    • Vegas Golden Knights vs. Los Angeles Kings
    • Experience the heated rivalry in stunning 360-degree action

Beat the Heat with Our July Evening RETRO PASS!

Ocean World
Dino World
Future World


Engage with the show's interactive features, using Lidar sensors to track guests, allowing them to interact with floors and walls, creating unique magical moments throughout the experience.


  • Explore 3 cinematic worlds (60 minutes)
  • Engage in 12 playable games for competitive or solo exploration

Beat the Heat with Our July Evening RETRO PASS!

From July 11-14th, book an evening show of Lite-Brite: Worlds of Wonder at between 6PM to 7PM and get a bonus pass to one of our retro-themed events for the same night as your show ticket.


Choose a date between 6PM to 7PM showing of "Lite-Brite: Worlds of Wonder." Dive into a world of colorful lights, games, and art creation with interactive narratives, gaming stations, & friendly hosts!


Ocean World
Dino World
Future World


  • Explore 3 cinematic worlds in one space (60 mins)
  • Engage in 12 playable games for competitive or solo exploration
  • Create with classic and giant Lite-Brites
  • View local Lite-Brite art from Toronto artists in our imagination gallery
  • Buy a Lite-Brite photo souvenir to become art


With your ticket, you'll receive an additional pass to one of our exclusive retro events, free of charge, for the same night as your show ticket. 

*$10.00 cover charge without a show ticket.


Movie night

Starts at 8:00pm, included with a July 11th Lite-Brite ticket. Grab some popcorn, relax in comfy seats or bring your own blanket, and enjoy the classic movie Back to the Future. Seating is first come first serve.



Starts at 8:00pm, included with a July 12th Lite-Brite ticket. Sing along to retro hits by Bon Jovi, Guns & Roses, Journey, The Go Go’s, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, Usher, Madonna, and more!


Dance Party

Starts at 8:00pm, included with a July 13th Lite-Brite ticket. Dance to your favourite 80’s and 90’s hits and enjoy themed retro drinks. Dress up in your best retro outfit for a chance to win prizes!



Starts at 8:00pm, included with a July 14th Lite-Brite ticket. Test your knowledge with pop-culture trivia from the 80’s and 90’s in our immersive atmosphere and enjoy playing your favourite board games from your childhood.

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360-Degree Immersive Sports Experience

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Sports Experience For All Ages

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Food & Drink Upgrades

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VIP Seating Available

Hungry? Thirsty?

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Ticket packages

GA Experience

$20 (Locals $15)

$45 (Locals $40)

  • Entry to Sports at Illuminarium


  • Entry to Sports at Illuminarium
  • Access to AYCE buffet